Friday, July 25, 2008

inspired to a meaningful life ahead!

I just watched Oprah, a show i watch almot every weekday. Heard of many inspiring stories and really keeps me thinking. Today's show is pretty meaningful and inspiring. It's called ' Cheers to you! ' whereby Oprah finds out a few wonderful people who has done meaningful things and share it.

1st story

A lady named Debbe Magnusen, a suburban mother who found her calling when she read an article about an abandoned baby found dead in her community. In order to save more babies, she founded ' Project Cuddle ' - a hotline for pregnant woman in trouble who need help raising their babies and finding adoptive families.

Her 10 years dedication in helping women who felt lost with pregnancy and she saved more than 570 babies.

There are many families that are deeply grateful to this noble lady and Oprah decided its time to give them a chance to say thank you :)

Oprah hosted an event called ' Cheers for you! ' at Disneyland and invited ER star - John Stamos to bring Debbe over to Disneyland whereby all the families whom wanted to give their gratitude to this noble lady. It was a big surprise for her and she came in with a limo which have tinted windows. When she took her first step out, the crowd was cheering and Oprah welcomed her!

All the families that she had helped, rushed out and gave their heart-warming cheers. The first baby she saved, was already 10 plus years old. Many of the adopted families thank her for bringing them together as a family and the rest thank her for not giving up their chance to motherhood.

It's wonderful to hear such stories, of how people devote their lives in helping others when they could have just led on with their normal lives. She's helped many unborned child under the railway and giving many children a chance to lead life as wonderful as it should be.

2nd story

Karen Morris proved to us that it's never to late to make your dream come through. She was the first grandmother to enter medical school at Yale and also, graduated to be a physician/doctor.

Karen first thought of becoming a doctor during her days in high school. When her grandmother was ill, she saw how doctors performed their skills and their best to help save a life.

At 16, her life took a sudden turn when she found herself pregnant with her eldest daughter. She managed to earn her diploma but her pursue for her medical dreams was held back. She said " I felt devastated as i was suppose to be the first to go to college and felt like i let everyone down as my family members was devastated as well. "

By age 29, Karen had 5 children and a husband that did not support her college dreams due to financial status and the time needed. So, she left her husband to pursue for her dream of becoming a nurse when she knew the time of him saying it's about time u could enroll will never come.

However, it was hard to enter a medical school being a single parent of 5 kids. She knew that and for the next four years, Karen juggled jobs, school and definitely, motherhood. She was working 2 -3 different jobs and her greatest fear of pursuing her dream was neglecting her children. She would make sure she checks their homework, ensure their clothing were out before they needed it, being there at their functions and doing homework together with them.

Soon, she became a nurse and still yearning to be a doctor deep down. She didn't dare to say it out loud as she knew people were bound to laugh at a dream this big. She quietly applied for medical schools thinking that they would be laughing their desk off with this application. Not only did they not laugh, Karen became the first grandmother to enter Yale school of medicine.

She claimed " It blew me away. When i was dreaming, i don't think i had a dream this big "

Oprah wanted people to know about this capable lady which went all the way for her dreams. So, she gave a speech on the projector to Karen's class and invited her to the Oprah show. Her classmates were simply delighted for her and proud of her. She's now a soon to be doctor and a grandmother of 4 grand children :)

The determination in her was unbeatable. Life's like a roller coaster for Karen and at the end of the ride, she did it, she fulfilled her dream. I admire her for her determination and all the things she's been through. I'm sure she would have inspired her children and grand children. Well well, it's time to learn from it and nothing's ever too late i guess :)

I think i won't finish all the stories :) Just one more yeah.

3rd story

Cheyenne ( above in white ) serves aboard the aircraft carrier the USS Eisenhower stationed in the Persian Gulf. She has not seen her children for 7 months due to her service to the nation. Her husband, Ronn, plays both parts of a mom and dad at home. Kaitlyn, her daughter says " i cry a lot because i miss mommy . '

Her husband feels that Christmas time was the toughest for him. The children did not want to put up the Christmas tree this year as they don't want anything to do with Christmas when their Mummy wasn't here.

However, Cheyenne would send DVD of her telling bed time stories and mail them back. The children would always rush to the mail box anticipating the arrival of the tape. It makes them feel closer.

Oprah invited her to the show and surprised her family by her early return to visit them. It was a heart-warming scene. 7 months is quite a long period to be away from your children, especially at their young age. It was definitely a big sacrifice and it's the same for all of the people who are away from their families. Noble and courageous for the country!

These inspiring stories sets out different values of them that we should really learn from. Leading life the right and best way. There are much more meaningful things to do rather than leading as thou everyone owes you a living. It's time to get a life and minimize regrets in life from what you have experienced !


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