Monday, September 8, 2008


Esther baby : It's not as dead as yours pls! You update! Phone camera spoilt and lazy to bring camera out everyday. So no pic :( wait till my new phone comes :D

Wen : Miss us then come out more often pls! Don't always stay at home and maple:) Sorry, been busy at work so didn't reply msn at times. Feel free to msg me on phone, comfirm will reply.

Mindy : mindy mindy, so long never see you alr ! When are you coming back ? I buy for you! heeh heeh. Or you buy for me also can :p You also never call me okay. Missing in action ah you!

Mdis guy : Erm. You can just view via the address :)

SPH Media Box : You can email me at Thanks.

Mat : Thanks thanks :)

Sonia : You closed it down? o.o

Boy : I will! Thanks :)

Yan : No problem, hope you enjoyed your birthday! Give me your link, i just remembered i haven't link you yet. Sorry sorry :)

J : Will make it alive soon. Ha. Phone camera does play in part in this MIA period.

Rena : Hey! Are you busy working? How come never see you out these days alr! I also working okay. Must make time come out and chill.

Jesslyn : Mummy! Glad you're happy with the surprise! Hope you enjoyed your birthday oki. Dont be so busy, come out as often as possible : )


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